A 1 Day Hands-On Workshop

For Government Leaders, Supervisors, and Employees


Government organizations must take innovative and deliberate approaches to managing, communicating, and retaining the current multi-generational workforce or face cascading morale and retention issues.

This workshop provides not only an in-depth understanding of those challenges but also provides solutions and proven techniques to meet those challenges. An experienced and certified Multi-Generational workforce trainer will guide participants through research, discussions, and hands-on experiences aimed at learning proven ways of understanding generational differences, communicating across generational boundaries, and learning the responsibilities that each generation has to the other. Participants will gain a clear, practical look at the strengths, values, and communication practices of each generation in today’s government workforce and be shown how to use that information for improved efficiency, morale, and retention.

The handbook you receive in this workshop is a powerful guide that you will refer to for immediate results that your management and team will notice.

Topics Include—

  • Understand the generational demographics of Government Organizations and the values of each generation
  • Analyze Professional vs. Personal commitment and the shift in priorities
  • Maximize the potential of the Millennial employee
  • Overcome language barriers between diverse generations
  • Leverage the experience of Baby Boomers—Leave Your Legacy while embracing Millennial Ideology
  • Maximize the Role of Generation X in “Bridging the Gap”