Personal Details



I address the vision, values, climate, and structure of the team/organization(Required)
My team/organization's goals and actions support the vision(Required)
I know that people want to follow me because they tell me so(Required)
I cultivating strong relationships with those I lead/supervise in deliberate and meaningful ways(Required)
I routinely and deliberately positively motivate others with my words and actions(Required)

Personal Details



I prioritize performance requirements routinely(Required)
I identify, plan, communicate, and track the most important characteristics of success for my organization(Required)
I identify, resource, communicate, and track business goals(Required)
I measure, recognize, and reward the point of success(Required)
I routinely and deliberately positively impact the people, processes, and use of technology for my team(Required)

Personal Details



I appear informed, natural, and effective when speaking and presenting(Required)
My written coorspondence, such as e-mails, memorandums, and policy, is well received and acted upon regardless of who I am communicating with(Required)
My communication techniques are deliberate, compelling, and effective.(Required)
I routinely and deliberately provide positive and negative/constructive feedback(Required)
I routinely and deliberately receive positive and negative/constructive feedback(Required)

Personal Details



I initiate a process that brings people together when nothing else is working(Required)
I take responsibility for the diversity of the group and make a conscious and disciplined effort to identify and bring together diverse perspectives and professional backgrounds/disciplines(Required)
I address a conflict constructively and effectively as soon as it arises(Required)
I share control and choose the best approach in influencing other team members(Required)
Networking and relationship building play a major role in my success(Required)

Personal Details



I engage kindred spirits from outside my organization(Required)
I make routine efforts to learn and find opportunities for personal advancement(Required)
I put the tools of networking in the service of business goals(Required)
I cultivating stronger relationships with colleagues in deliberate and meaningful ways(Required)
I routinely and deliberately positively impact the perception that others have of me with my words and actions(Required)

Personal Details



Gender and Ethinic diversity is represented in positions of authority in my orgniazation(Required)
I show respect for the values and ethics of others, even though they may differ from my own(Required)
I consider how my background impacts on my attitude to work and how this may differ from others(Required)
When I am with a person who is different to me, as a mark of respect I try to accommodate their style(Required)
I make efforts to consider the diverse needs of others and balance them with my own(Required)

Personal Details



I employ a systematic approach to solving problems(Required)
I utilize multiple methods to make decisions based upon the situation(Required)
I pursue the oppion of others even when I think I know the answer to a problem(Required)
I review my decisions well after they are made to assess if it was the correct decision(Required)
I encourage healthy debate and decenting opions when solving problems before making a decision(Required)