A 3 or 5-Day Hands-On Workshop

The program aims to improve the overall ability of workplace managers to more effectively utilize their resources. The program presents skill-building modules that focus on the following core competencies: Professionalism, Communication, Business Writing, Customer Service, Conflict Management, Organization and Time Management, Management Skills, Critical Thinking and Decision-Making.

Subjects Covered in this Workshop:

  • Analyze organizational norms, trends, and workplace processes
  • Develop and deliver a professional presentation
  • Develop conflict management plans
  • Understand and Identify effective business communication techniques
  • Practice critical thinking and decision-making techniques


Additional Informationnasba_cperegistry_logo_color_transparent
CPE Credits:
CEU Credits: 2.0-3.4
Program Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Program Level: Intermediate
NASBA Field of Study: Personal Development
Delivery Method: Group Live – Classroom