A 2 Day Workshop for Government Employees
The PWS and QASP are among the most critical documents of the entire contracting process. They determine what your organization will have to live with for years to come. This workshop takes you through the process of writing a performance based Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) and shows you, step-by-step, how to deliver a solid, professional QASP. You will learn how the contractor views the PWS and how that impacts your QASP development. You will learn to develop innovative ideas, plans and strategies, in class, tailored to your organization and designed to empower you to build your document into a dynamic, strong, effective work statement and QASP.
All attendees will receive the How to Write a QASP Handbook filled with step-by-step instructions, detailed Checklists, examples, tip sheets, checklists, templates, forms and resources that you will use in writing your QASP.
Particularly attractive features to this workshop are the in-class exercises, which give the attendees hands-on experience with the critical elements of writing a QASP.
Topics Include—
- The Performance Work Statement Overview
- PWS Content And Format
- Performance Requirement Summary
- Technical Exhibits
- The Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)
- Purpose of the QASP
- Inspection and acceptance of services
- Quality Control vs. Quality Assurance
- Roles and responsibilities of contractors and the government
- FAR requirements
- The importance of quality control and assurance
- How to write a QASP
- Content and format
- The steps
- The Performance Requirements Summary
- What is an Acceptable Quality Level?
- How to define it
- How to develop the numbers
- Examples
- Determining surveillance methods, schedules, and requirements
- Performance Discrepancy Reports
- Corrective action
- Incentives and Deductions…how to use them
- Best Practices And Lessons Learned
Items you will take home from this workshop and use well after your training is complete:
- How to Write a QASP handbook
- Online Access to a QASP Toolkit
- Step-By-Step Instructions
- A Model Document With Government Approved Text
- Examples
- Tip Sheets
- Checklists
- Templates
- Forms
- Lessons Learned